Genomics Solution
QuantOmics provides a comprehensive suite of genomic solutions, expertly designed to support the diverse needs of bioinformatics researchers. These solutions deliver high-quality data and publication-ready representations, empowering researchers to drive groundbreaking discoveries and achieve impactful insights ready for publication.
Genomic Solutions for Bioinformatics Researchers
Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS)
- Comprehensive sequencing of entire genomes for prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and metagenomic samples.
- Applications: Variant discovery, evolutionary studies, structural variation analysis, and personalized medicine research.
Transcriptome Analysis (RNA-Seq)
- High-resolution profiling of gene expression and RNA splicing events.
- Applications: Differential gene expression studies, functional genomics, and novel transcript discovery.
Epigenomics Services
- DNA Methylation Analysis: Bisulfite sequencing to study epigenetic modifications.
- ChIP-Seq: Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with sequencing for protein-DNA interaction mapping.
- Applications: Understanding gene regulation, development, and disease mechanisms.
Targeted Sequencing and Gene Panels
- Customized sequencing of specific regions of interest or gene panels.
- Applications: Variant analysis in known genes, biomarker discovery, and diagnostics.
Metagenomics and Microbiome Studies
- Sequencing and analysis of microbial communities from diverse environments.
- Applications: Microbial diversity profiling, host-microbiome interaction studies, and environmental genomics.
Single-Cell Genomics
- High-resolution analysis at the single-cell level to study cellular heterogeneity.
- Applications: Developmental biology, cancer genomics, and immune system research.
Multi-Omics Data Integration
- Integration of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data for a holistic understanding of biological systems.
- Applications: Pathway analysis, systems biology, and personalized medicine.
Functional Annotation and Pathway Analysis
- Annotation of genes, proteins, and non-coding regions with functional insights.
- Applications: Understanding regulatory mechanisms, metabolic pathways, and disease networks.
Population Genomics and Phylogenetics
- Large-scale analysis of genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships across populations.
- Applications: Conservation biology, evolutionary studies, and breeding programs.
Small RNA and miRNA Analysis
- Profiling and functional analysis of microRNAs and other small RNAs.
- Applications: Gene regulation studies, biomarker discovery, and stress response research.
Custom Bioinformatics Pipelines
- Development and deployment of tailored pipelines for specific research needs.
- Applications: High-throughput data processing, visualization, and interpretation.
By combining these genomic solutions with expert technical consultation, QuantOmics ensures that bioinformatics researchers have the tools and support they need to push the boundaries of their scientific endeavours.